We have a problem. A good problem but nevertheless a problem. Freedom In Christ has been expanding throughout the world at breakneck pace.
We have a problem. A good problem but nevertheless a problem. Freedom In Christ has been expanding throughout the world at breakneck pace.
Last year Freedom In Christ Ministries held a series of short introductory events around the UK and Ireland with 825 leaders attending, 99% of whom said they wer
Up to now, every Freedom In Christ office around the world has had a different logo. That's just the way things developed over the years.
The UK website didn't used to have an email "contact us" option but one was introduced a couple of years ago in response to customer demand.
Because of copyright issues, the English version of the best-selling Freedom In Christ Discipleship Course has not been able to be sold outside the UK - until now
The Freedom In Christ Ministries International Council met in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, last week.
Yesterday evening saw the first two (of 41) "A Strategy For Effective Church-Wide Discipleship" events taking place, in Bournemouth and Bangor (N. Ireland).
The issue is all about forgiveness, an area that is fundamental to Freedom In Christ's approach to discipleship.Sue Lind
Steve Goss will be the guest on In Good Company with Jeff Lucas & Ruth Dearnley on Premier Radio this coming Sunday, 21 April 2013, at 8pm.