"Get Started With The Freedom In Christ Approach" is the title of a one day event to be run around the UK from Autumn 2005.
"Get Started With The Freedom In Christ Approach" is the title of a one day event to be run around the UK from Autumn 2005.
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The popularity of the FIC Discipleship Course has taken everyone by surprise, including Monarch the publishers.
The Freedom In Christ Discipleship Course was one of three books nominated at the Christian Book Sellers Convention for Best Reference Book of 2005.
Neil Anderson recently spent a week in the UK. He ran a Living Free In Christ event in Belfast, his first visit to Northern Ireland and a Discipleship Counselling conference in Shrewsbury.
Welcome to our new look website, we hope you like it. Everything has been completely overhauled from the look to the underlying systems.
Well, the Lord did it! The new Freedom In Christ Discipleship Course has been over three years in the making but it’s finally ready.
The Freedom Fellowship is our way of keeping in touch with those who are using the FIC approach. Recently we changed the way we support members.
We are delighted that Neil Anderson will be making two visits to the UK in the next year.
Experience a new freedom, intimacy and oneness with your spouse