Behold! The UK Team Annual Get Together

Each year the Freedom In Christ UK Team gather together. Made up of Teachers, Ambassadors, Intercessors and others, it is a time to press into all the God has done, and is doing through the ministry. It's a time of fellowship, refreshment, re-envisioning and encouragement.

This year our theme was "Behold! Tell the coming generations...". With the launch of the Lightbringers last year, we now truly are a discipleship ministry for every generation, so what better focus that to behold all he is doing in each and every generation!

Representing the 20s-30s were last year's Freedom Academy cohort, sharing the impact the 9-month journey had had in their lives, whilst two members - Bea and Nathan led our scratch worship band powerfully. Freedom Academy will be piloted again later this year, as we continue to develop it as a tool to really effect authentic, radical discipleship for this generation. We were also hugely encouraged by our youth sharing about the impact Freedom In Christ has had in their lives. 

To help showcase the potential of The Lightbringers, the whole team were invited to become 8 year olds for an hour or so as we did Session 1 ourselves, meetng Sophie and Thomas - the main characters from the specially written story and dancing round the room in the dark with glowsticks to "Jesus you are the superstar"... ably led by Zoë and Rob!

Life stories were shared by a few more long standing members of the team, with encouragement to the younger generations to strive for intimacy in their relationship with God in all they do.

On the Sunday, "The Prayer Thing" gave the opportunity for everyone to step out in prayer, with some creative and challenging 'stations' at which to pause, reflect and dig deep. Seeds were prophetically laid on maps of the regions, and declarations written. We also shared communion.


Our UK Team is made up of leaders who God has in some way called to be a "herald" for the vision of seeing Every Generation and Every Tribe across every region of the UK embrace the freedom Jesus has won for them, to walk out in fruitfulness and to see transformation in the nations.

If you would like to find out more about joining the team, do please contact us.

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