The Freedom message is taking root throughout the world, and with a brand new translation on the cusp of publication, no more so than in Poland! Meet James Harris, National Co-Ordinator, for Poland, and his wife Beth:
"We were very surprised in 2001 when the Lord led us to visit Poland for the first time, and then, through a series of circumstances which clearly had God's hand directing, He led us to move here in 2011! At that time we had led the Freedom In Christ Course just once in a church home group in England, but two years later we found ourselves unexpectedly leading it again with a small group of English-speakers in our church here in Poland, and we were then challenged to present the course in Polish! Again and again we have been told this is just what Poland needs!"
As a result the Polish version of the Freedom in Christ Discipleship Course is now nearly ready for publication. It has been trialled by about 60 people in five different churches, and 18 more people from our church are currently following the course. Poland is 98% Catholic, although this includes many nominal Christians, especially among young people. So James is currently praying for wisdom to know which publisher to approach, so that the course will be acceptable to all Poles, whether Catholic or Protestant.
Meanwhile the ‘Making Fruitful Disciples’ Seminar and The Grace Course are in the early stages of translation. In 2017-18 they took part in the TRANSFORM Programme, and James hopes to participate in future TRANSFORMs, first with their Pastor and then with a larger Polish Group, which will help develop a team to take the various FIC courses all over this country.
At every turn they have a deep sense that this is all the Lord’s idea, and they are just seeking to follow faithfully in His footsteps . . .
Please do pray with James and Beth as the freedom message takes root in Poland, that it will grow, flourish and bear much fruit!