FIC Marriage Retreat goes Online...

Each year in a lovely hotel in the countryside, Steve & Zoë and Malcom & Kim run a Freedom in Christ Marriage Retreat for leaders, both for their own marriages as well as to learn how to use it in their own setting.

Steve Marriage TalkWell, like so many things this year they were faced with a choice of cancelling it or trying something new! They opted for the 'something new' and ending up holding not one but two retreats in the last month.

The first was for the UK who were already booked on, plus a few extras who signed up. The second was for our Freedom in Christ team members in the USA and Caribbean. Not only did both retreats work really well with couples sharing some great feedback, but also gave them a vision for how we can get this resource out to so many more couples.

Some of the very positive feedback included:

“Not only have we rediscovered things we thought were lost, we have gained newness and freedom in areas we didn't know existed.”

“This retreat has set us on a different path after 30 years of marriage. We have broken free from the old ways of relating to one another. Definitely recommend it to all after they have done the Freedom In Christ Course."
Marriage Vows
Below is a picture of a couple who were on the US retreat - Frank & Robin Sung where they renewed their marriage vows and exchanged lei as they did on their honeymoon in Hawaii!

Do pray for those working on this material in the coming months, and praise God with us for how He turns things around for good.

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